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Port of San Francisco Racial Equity Action Plan
We collaborated with Bonner Communications on the Port of San Francisco's Racial Equity Action Plan, which serves as the blueprint for advancing racial equity in all aspects of the Port organization. Our responsibility was to lay out a 90 page document in an engaging way so it can easily be implemented and appreciated, while reinforcing the Port of San Francisco brand.
Lots of content and no time to waste
Creating the design for a groundbreaking plan that touches every department in just 4 weeks during the holiday season required our team to work in sync with our partners to achieve this great feat. With the leadership of Bonner Communications we set deliverable dates that we all worked toward and communicated consistently with the client in order to iron out possible kinks early on.

Beautiful layout & design
Graphic design at its best. Easy to understand sections due to color coding and using consistent design elements that allow the reader to read through the document with ease. The rectangular lines of the logo were used as an inspiration for some of the elements, thus reinforcing the brand. Visually pleasing pie charts highlighting complex data and beautiful imagery provided by Slow Clap brought a graceful rhythm to these pages.
Have a look yourself! Download: Port of San Francisco’s Racial Equity Action Plan